Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Roda-Roda Terus Berputar

Tertiba terinspirasi dari sebuah lagu (entah lupa lagu apa), roda berputar itu menandakan masih adanya kehidupan, life goes, people come people go (words of the month), a bit strange, i always repeating those words when i talked to whoever people surround me. Back to the topic, banyak hal yang tak bisa dijelaskan dengan kata-kata pasti dan logika, too many "why" and too many questions mark that we, people, cant barely even answer it. Allah knows best for His Ummah, we as His servant may only obey him and pray for the best. But then, He'll always save the best for us. it is about the time span to be able to see what we "human" are always expecting. HAPPINESS. Patutkah kita mencerca ketika kita mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan? tidak dipungkiri, sebagai manusia yang tidak sempurna ini, i did, sometimes. But then, roda itu terus berputar, Sabar would be the best answer for it. Roda di atas, roda di bawah and that happens and happen for a reason. a friend said that, tidak perlulah kita memikirkan masalah sebagai suatu "masalah" tapi anggaplah itu sebuah pembelajaran...pembelajaran yang pada dasar nya membuat kita belajar, belajar untuk tidak berada di kesalahan itu lagi,lagi dan lagi. This is life. chapters of life that we, the one who wrote it on our own book and we, the one who decide whether Happy or Not (yet) Happy. sekian.
pic by @liinasir

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