Sunday, December 25, 2011

Hijab Tutorial by HabeebaH #1


Liburan #1

Today is the public holiday which we were planning to go out somewhere but yet we didn't know where to -_-" its an island, hiburan yang ada tidak cukup menghibur sepertinya...well then, we decided to go to the Amal Beach. pantai inilah yang seperti nya menjadi tempat andalan berlibur bagi masyarakat Tarakan. so do we ;)

yang jongkok itu ngapain cobaaa -__-"

Monday, December 19, 2011

IIUM, The Place that i grew up :D

Faculty of Economics & Management Sciences - inget masa2 kuliah deh ini :(

Bag of the Year

My mom has bought for herself until she knows that it didnt really fit her and pass it to me -_-"

Saturday, December 17, 2011

My New Label

Maybe some of you might notice the label that i put on the pictures of my previous post. not kinda that important though, cuman lagi pengen ajah ngelabel2in pictures, biar berasa sok-sokan kaya photographer gitu deh...hehe, ntar kalo udah bosen sama design nya yang ini buat design baru lagi lah...below is the sample of it. i choose the soft pink as the background is simply because of my fav color and the drop shadow means the color of sky which i do love too! oh by the way, i wasn't sure why did i put that small R on the corner of my name. -__-"

Parade di Tarakan

"Pawai" yang biasa kami sebut (mungkin dibeberapa kota lain juga menyebut ini pawai) atau parade.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Legendary! This Man is Epic.

I just cant stop watching his Video
at least once a day :)

Begin with Bismillah...

salam to everyone, semoga dalam keadaan sehat walafiat dan dalam lindungan Allah SWT, amin ya Rabb. Since, this is not my berry first time blogging, saya tidak akan berbicara banyak soal blogging hehe, dimana blog saya yang di kemungkinan besar akan saya deactive kan, i mean, im not going to have posts on that blog anymore dikarenakan features-features wordpress yang cukup membuat saya puyeng dan mumet, untuk itu saya putuskan untuk pindah blog aja. :D sekian terima kasih, adalah benar bahwasnya post ini sangatlah tidak penting sebenarnya...hehehe, now im ready to get my new themes on this blog!!! yay ^^.see u when i see u in my next post then.