Thursday, July 25, 2019

Trip to Zoo Johor at Taman Istana, Johor Bahru, Johor

Back from a Long Hiatus


Wow, it was a really long hiatus, my last post was on September 2017. A lot of things happened all the way to this phase. Banyaaaak punya cerita haha.

Bro Sist
Well lets make it short then. I was giving  a birth to our ADORABLE daugther Mysha Maleeka on October 2017. We still live in Tarakan until April 2019, where daddy got a good "job" offer in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Actually, we did plan everything, since Ghazan is going to his elementary school by 2020, thus, we planned to leave Indonesia very soon before 2020. Hoping that Ghazan may easily adjust himself to the new environment. Oh by the way, he took almost 3 months sampailah benar-benar mau pergi sekolah, because he keep asking to come back "Home" (blok.J house, Tarakan) and go to his old School, TK Ekadyasa Bandara Juwata Tarakan. I was almost giving up for whatever cause him cry before and after school day. But then, we managed to pujuk him with whatever things that make him want to go to school. Fyuuh...i know, we shouldn't do that "whatever things" like giving him candy/cola/kfc/chocolate/games in smartphone etc after school. Dan pada akhirnya lambat laun Ghazan pun mulai happy ke sekolah walaupun tidak di iming-imingi snack dan smartphone. We succeed at this phase. Alhamdulillah....Now we live in Johor Bahru, i managed to apply my visa, kids are ok now, starting to get used to this full time staying at home mom. thats why laaaa now i got time to write a post on my blog. hehe...anyway...letsee..whatelse can i do here...wish us luck and may Allah always ease our life and have a better life.
Amin ya Rabbalamin...
